Friday, October 28, 2011

Shifting Gears (A Bit)

My blog has now been up and running for a full month, and I have learned a lot in the process. These past four weeks have taught me a great deal about traffic patterns, tighter guidelines for blogging, visibility, intended and extended audiences, and how often I can reasonably update, among other things.

With that in mind, I am slowly refining a new posting schedule, as well as pinning down what topics I want to write about, and when. I've had great feedback from people on several of my anecdotes - Elephant Chai and DaVinci's Grocery List being current favorites - but I also want to talk about what I'm reading, especially since my October Fun Reads post received the most hits to date, and by a wide margin. I'd also like to occasionally post on matters strictly pertaining to aspiring writers, including some of the insights I've gleaned from Twitter about book agents, the publishing industry, and especially the ever-dreaded necessity of query letters.

Obviously I don't want to get in a rut, be untrue to myself, or fill my blog with dullness and drudge. So I would like to know: What would you like to see in regards to books, writing, or stories in general? What do you think I should not do, or have you spotted some mistakes I've already made? Those of you who have been blogging for a while - what advice do you have? You can post your comments here, or email me at goff (dot) taproostudio (at) gmail (dot) com.

Next official update will be Monday - until then I'll be working on getting ahead for future posts, as well as the beginning of NaNoWriMo! Wish me luck - and again, feel free to let me know what you're thinking about the site. Thanks!

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